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Our process is flexible and adaptable to each project

Design Process

EJCLA generally proposes five sequential design phases: Pre-design, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, and Construction Administration.



The first phase in the process is Pre-design which includes the following steps:

  • EJCLA will gather general information about the Client(s), project team, project scope and the property. This should result in a clear understanding of the Client(s) goals, aesthetics, general project budget and constraints, project schedule etc.

  • EJCLA will gather pertinent site characteristics through an analysis of sun, wind, soil, vegetation, drainage, land use, site history, views, pedestrian/vehicular circulation etc.

  • EJCLA will create a base plan using any available architectural plans, surveys, historical photos/maps as well as on-site measurements, notes, ground and aerial imagery etc. The base plan will be a to-scale plan (24”x36”) showing all existing features such as roads, driveways, structures, trees, vegetation, wetlands, boulders, exposed ledge, stone walls, site limitations, property lines, setbacks etc. as well as any known proposed features (house, garage, well, septic field etc.)

Schematic Design

During the Schematic Design phase, EJCLA will develop schematic design options in 2-D and/or 3-D, and review options with the Client(s) and project team.

The Schematic Design phase includes the following steps:

  • In collaboration with the Client(s) and project team (Architect, General Contractor, Civil Engineer etc.) EJCLA will develop three (3) Conceptual Site Plans. These to-scale plans (24”x36”) will focus on the layout of potential driveway, parking, building(s), walkways/paths, site/landscape features etc.

  • EJCLA will provide samples of potential materials and a sheet(s) of precedent images to review/critique.

  • These plans/images/samples will then be reviewed with the Client(s) and project team on-site.


Design Development

The next step is to refine and revise the Schematic Designs. During the Design Development phase EJCLA will:

  • Incorporate requested changes and provide more detail to spatial organization, plant species, materials, landscape features, grading, drainage, elevations, lot coverages, utilities (power pedestal, underground/overhead power, leach field, septic tank, sewer line, well, water line, propane tank/line, generator etc.)

  • Review the to-scale plans (24”x36”) and 3-D perspective images/details on-site with the Client(s) and project team.


Construction Documentation

EJCLA will then revise the preliminary plans and develop necessary construction documents/lists/notes in accordance with the relevant building/landscape codes and zoning ordinances. These plans/documents will form the Landscape Drawing Set.

The Construction Documentation phase includes the following steps:

  • EJCLA revises Preliminary Designs based on Client(s) feedback

  • EJCLA reviews changes with Client(s).

  • EJCLA will prepare necessary drawings, which may include but are not limited to:

  • Site Plan

  • Permitting Plan

  • Tree Protection Plan

  • Demolition Plan

  • Hardscape Plan

  • Grading & Drainage Plan

  • Planting Plan

  • Lighting Plan

  • Construction Details

  • Sections/Elevations/Perspective Drawings

  • Material/Planting/General Notes & Lists


Construction Administration

Once the Landscape Set is approved by the Client(s) then project pricing may be obtained from contractors. During this phase, EJCLA will distribute drawings and tour the project site with the Client(s) and selected contractors (landscape contractor, mason, carpenter, gardener, arborist etc.) Once itemized proposals/estimates are procured then EJCLA will sit down with the Client(s) to go over contractor’s proposals in detail. After contractor selection, ECLA’s duties may include but are not limited to site visits, answering contractor questions, interpreting the plans and construction documents, assisting with final plant, product, and material selections and layouts. EJCLA's duties as part of the Construction Administration phase can vary depending on the Client(s) preference and project scope.

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See your dreams take flight.

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Greenwich, CT, 06830


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